Create Your Own Website

How to Create Your Own Website: Have you been thinking about how to create your own website? Everyone, and everything, is online these days. With good reason – more than 3 billion people log onto the internet every single day, so if you’re looking to connect with others, attract new customers to your business, maybe start selling online or showcase your talent to the world, then it’s time to create your own website.

Despite this, the thought of creating your own website can be incredibly intimidating. Most people lack the skills necessary to build a site from scratch, and are confused by even the basics of HTML. This is where many might think the wealth of website builders available online comes in handy – most are affordable, and claim to be user-friendly. But how user-friendly are they, when often they still require at least a basic knowledge of coding – something that many of us have little grasp of? 

The easiest way around this is to find a ‘drag and drop’ style website builder. Drag and drop style is simply that – you’re able to use your mouse to create a website as you see fit, with no coding involved. You can select from various options and widgets onscreen, and move them to where you choose, by ‘dragging’ across the screen, and ‘dropping’ in place.

Another common issue with generic website builders is that they often only offer a limited selection of themes, and again, if you have no coding experience, it can be almost impossible to customize your finished product. Who wants to have a website that’s identical to thousands of others? With the ease of a drag and drop style website builder, your finished site will truly be unique, with little effort – you have all the say in the finished design.

Finally, with drag and drop, it’s far easier to create a website that is fit for your purpose – be it an online shop, portfolio or a simple landing page. You’ll be in control of all the necessary features, especially e-commerce functions. Even better, drag and drop providers like Fresh Idea know how overwhelming setting up online may be, so they have both a support team and live chat function, to help you as needed.


You're just a few minutes away from creating your new web presence.

With Fresh Idea you can build your website, your way. 

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I was always afraid to build my own website but after the designers at Fresh Idea built my new website and showed me how to manage it, I find it a breeze now running my online business.

Jenny Mercouri

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